Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Year in Review!

It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since my last post :(. Guess it's just another example of life getting in the way of our best intentions.

So much has happened during the past twelve months, but I'm happy to say my business partner has made huge progress in overcoming his heart attack. It hasn't always been easy for him and there have been challenges along the way, but all in all, he's doing very well.

One thing he's extremely grateful for is his ability to connect with his spirit self in all its perfection and good health. Maybe that's his secret to being a very active, energetic 76 year-old! It's something we all have the ability to do, but not many take the time to pursue.

Joseph Murphy talks about it in his book The Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind which I first read a few months ago. Every word resonates with me and, while I'm reading it, I feel so excited about all the wonderful possibilities... if I could find enough will-power to carry out the simple exercises on a daily basis!

Over the next few days and weeks, I'll try and cover some of the highlights from the past year. Thank goodness I keep a journal!