Monday, November 2, 2009

Visiting the 'Lion'

Today, I finally got to visit my youngest daughter and Foster, my grandson. He's the cute one in the basket further down the page! It's been a while since I've seen them due to sickness and other commitments. As always, I was amazed at his progress and he's growing so fast!

Doesn't he make an adorable lion? This was his Halloween costume, but unfortunately he picked up more than candies. He came out in spots a couple of days after an event at our local mall where he joined 300 other children trick or treating amongst the merchants and we suspect it's chicken pox.

He doesn't have any fever and the spots aren't bothering him too much, so it isn't bad enough to risk going to the doctor's office and getting whatever may be "lurking" there :(.

It's much better to stay home and he'll be able to go out in public again in a couple of weeks!

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