Sunday, November 8, 2009

No More Secrets!

A short while ago, I listened to an audio by Steve Dailey, a business coach, about the "new" economy. It was very insightful and supports other information I've come across.

The time for "secrets" is over. It's no longer possible to keep information from the public. Somehow, some way, through access to government information, through the Internet, through "whistle blowers", through any number of ways, the truth will come out.

This is what happened with many of the world's financial institutions and large corporations, which led to the economic situation we find ourselves in today. Practices that were not in the best interests of the general public, but simply catered to the greed of individuals, shareholders and self-serving corporations, has now come to light. The result is that these companies will never be able to do business the way they did in the past. They will never, ever be able to operate the same way again. They can never go back to the way things were. The status quo has shifted.

How does that impact the average person? Well, for starters, the jobs that used to support families will not be there in the future. No matter how long an unemployed individual looks, they will never find the same work that they were accustomed to. There will never be the same number of jobs that there used to be.

The media says we have a "bad" economy. For many people that is a reality. I heard on the news yesterday that for every vacancy available in the U.S., six people apply for it. And President Obama has once again extended unemployment benefits to ease the financial plight that many find themselves in. The situation is definitely not good for millions of people worldwide.

But is it really as "bad" as we're led to believe?

Steve Dailey says we don't have a "bad" economy, it's simply a "new" economy. In fact, he believes this massive, permanent change that we're experiencing has the potential for the greatest transfer of wealth in history!

How can that be?

For those who find themselves unemployed without any possibility of ever finding a job in their field... the ones who have lost their retirement nest-eggs and need to replenish them in a hurry... one option is to create a job by starting their own business. But a traditional business start-up is both daunting and risky - not to mention time-consuming!

But the perfect low-risk business start-up is now available to anyone who chooses to take control of their financial destiny. Enter... Network Marketing!

What are the benefits of network marketing compared to traditional businesses?
  • Unparalleled personal security
  • Rapid access to business ownership
  • Low start-up costs and monthly overhead
  • Abundant support resources
  • A proven business model recommended by tycoons such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, and Robert Kiyosaki
  • Attractive products
  • Limited marketing budget
It's a no-brainer for many people who are taking advantage of the opportunity this New Economy affords us. I, for one, intend to take full advantage of it! There are many choices available in the network marketing industry and I'll take a look at some of the alternatives in later posts as this is a subject that interests me very much.

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