Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Pandemic and Stress

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I belong to an organization called Global Coherence Initiative. Every day, I spend at least 2 minutes with my heart wide open and send love and goodwill to various areas of the world, different situations, or to our beautiful planet Earth. It's our effort be help bring more peace into this world.

There's always somebody, somewhere that can use a little extra love, whether it's the weather-worn Philippines, some war-torn area, or even an over-stressed population.

This is probably the worst time of the year, in a very stressed economic environment, to worry about the H1N1 virus. Yet that's all we hear when we turn on the radio or the TV. Is it any wonder that people are panicking?

Does the media ever wonder about the impact of the ‘news’ they bring into our homes? Does anyone ever stop to think what effect it’s having on people?

Yes, I understand that we need to be informed so that we can make educated decisions about getting the vaccination or not, but I can’t help thinking that the current ‘news’ is hindering, not helping us these days.

People are scared, worried, even panicked, about getting sick and the possibility of dying from this flu, but I can’t help wondering if the stress of all that worry won’t compromise their immune system and make them even more susceptible to the virus.

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