Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Empowerment 4 U!

In order to be fully empowered individuals, we must take 100% responsibility for every aspect of our life.

That means evaluating each area: Economic, Personal, Physical and Spiritual empowerment.

To experience Economic Empowerment, we must look at our financial status. If we aren't abundant in this area, we need to figure out what we need to do to change it. Perhaps we should think about changing our vocation if we're not happy where we work, or start a part-time business to bring in extra cash.

To experience Personal Empowerment, we must look at our relationships to see where we may need to make changes. Perhaps we don't have clearly defined boundaries. Perhaps we're unhappy or depressed. Whatever is causing us distress must be investigated and remedied.

To experience Physical Empowerment, we look at our health. Are we fatigued? Is there some ailment that we've been ignoring? Are we suffering from a life-threatening illness? No matter what the experience, we must take responsibility and figure out what we can do to alleviate it. That may mean a visit to the doctor or taking back your own power and exploring the possible mental/emotional causes of your complaint.

To experience Spiritual Empowerment, perhaps we need to establish a habit of meditating each day for 10 - 20 minutes. Maybe we feel that we have lost our connection with Spirit, orwe need to begin feeling gratitude for all the blessings we already have. Repeat the following at every opportunity:
"Thank you God for all the blessings that I have, and all the blessings that I am receiving."
Whatever our life experience, if something isn't what we truly desire or the way we want it to be, then it's our responsiblity to investigate, research, change... whatever needs to be done to alleviate the "symptoms" in our day-to-day life.

Sometimes, drastic changes are required in order to feel our own empowerment.

It isn't always necessary, of course. Often a minor adjustment will provide the changes we seek. But, in my own life, major adjustments have been called for at various times. This can be as big as moving to another country, which I did by moving to Thailand, or moving across the country as I did from Ontario to Alberta (and back two years later), or simply moving house.

I've also changed my JOB on more than one occassion. After operating my own business for seven and a half years, I never did enjoy working for someone else. I tried it, but I was never happy and hated going to work every day. I knew I needed to be my own boss. But that's very scary and not something you can take lightly.
Having my own business was the only way I could have Economic Empowerment. Consequently, network marketing has been a godsend for me and many others like myself who want to change their financial circumstances without risking a fortune in the process. Who has a fortune to risk anyway!

Rarely does empowerment come easily, but if you're not happy with some aspect of your life, empower yourself and change it. My book, Joy Makers: My Tools for Self-Empowerment, has some very simple tools for helping to empower yourself.

For more information on empowerment, go to my weblog at Empowerment For You.

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