Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Great to be Close to Family!

Today is my grand-daughter's 11th birthday. Many Happy Returns, Bryna!

Our family always makes a point of celebrating each member's birthday - not just the kids, but everyone. We get together either on or close to the Big Day as a family: myself, my three daughters and their respective partners, and the grand-kids.

I'm very fortunate to live close to my three daughters. The farthest away is a 35-minute drive. It hasn't always been that way. Not so long ago we all lived many miles from each other. I was in Edmonton, Alberta, my eldest daughter lived in Southern Ontario, my youngest daughter in Northern Ontario, and my middle daughter in Oregon.

Needless to say, we didn't see each other for quite a while and I actually missed Bryna's birth as I wasn't able to go to Ontario for almost 5 months. After that, we gradually moved to the same city over a fairly short period of time and we've lived close to each other for about 6 years now.

My sister has two sons and they both live across the Atlantic in Ireland. I know it's difficult for her to have them so far away, but she makes the best of it and spends the time between visits planning their next trip.

When I think about it, I'm even more grateful to be close to my little family. We will be getting together at King's Buffet this evening and, as usual, we'll enjoy each other's company.

Life really is good and I'm recognizing that more as more as the years pass by.

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