Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Enjoyment" Today... "Enthusiasm" Tomorrow

I'm feeling soooooooooooo much better today. I was even able to keep my date with Leslie this morning (that's Leslie Sansone and her Walk Away The Pounds - Power Mile DVD) and actually feel Enjoyment! That would have been impossible yesterday.

Eckhart Tolle says if you can't do something with Acceptance, Enjoyment or Enthusiasm, then you shouldn't do it. Usually, I do my exercises with Enthusiasm, but I figured Enjoyment was good enough for today!

Yesterday, I was in the throes of a cold and feeling very sorry for myself. I didn't have the energy to do anything so most of the day was spent lounging on the couch watching TV. But I did manage to summon enough energy to wand my head with my Amega Wand for more than an hour.

By the time bedtime rolled around, I felt considerable relief in my sinuses and my headache was almost gone. I felt much clearer and was able to sleep without a wad of tissues under my nose ;).

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